View Profile quackofalltrades

7 Movie Reviews

Reminds me of It's a Good Life from the Twilight Zone.

Except funnier

Not as good as the first, but still great

Animation and action are still awesome, but I mean the story wasn't as strong. There just wasn't as much build up as in ep 1. Sniperwheel and Splat just kind of showed up, battled, and then disappeared. We never got to see their powers or hear people talk about them beforehand. It's disappointing, because these were some pretty cool characters too. I would've loved to see an introduction to Splat's slime dragon attack.

Also, I'm still kind of disappointed with Gamecrazed. I was hoping that we would get to learn more about him in this episode, but all we saw was that he kicks ass and is a nice guy. That much was obvious from the ep 1 when we saw him save Nylocke from the original hackers. But we still don't know what Gamecrazed is like as a person.

Didn't GC in the original have some sort of romance going on? I want to see that. If done right, it could be hilarious.

I thought it was more about MMBN than dot hack

I've watched some of the original TTA's, and I remember that they used a lot of sprites from the Megaman Battlenetwork games, and the whole setup is kind of similar. I'm guessing that the TOME reboot is based off the original more than anything else, but maybe dotHack got in there along the way. idk.

Anyway, for my review, I really liked this new direction you're taking this series, and I look forward to seeing part 2. I really hope that you don't go introducing a ton more characters like you did with the original TTA. This epsidoe's current cast has so much personality, and it would be a shame to have them lose screen time to some new characters.

It's little bit ironic that GC now seems to be least developed and interesting of the cast. In the original, he was like Alpha's mentor, Guess we'll see where you decide to go with him.

Another great mario movie

The Power Star series has some of the most entertaining mario movies on Newgrounds. The fight scenes are all well executed. There is always the suspense of whether Mario will regain self control. And there is no telling which way the fight will go. It is obvious that you are very skilled with sprites.
My only qualm is that this movie, albeit very well done, is not that memorable. Sprite action and fighting scenes are fun to watch, but are common place on Newgrounds and society in general. What makes a sprite movie memorable now is either the story, the humor or the style. In this movie, the story does not draw the watcher in and can pretty much be forgotten. There are very few silly moments in the movie, and even these moments sometimes feel recycled and overused. Stylewise, mario movies and sprite fighting movies are very commonplace on newgrounds. If you simply want to make the front page and gain a spot in the mario collection, then this movie is perfect. But with some more creativity and cleverness, you could make another spirte legend.

The story may be falling apart, but who cares

Even for someone who has never played D&D, Unforgotten Realms is extremely funny. The best comedy teams always consist of the a straight guy and the clown. Mike and Rob are perfect for this role, not only becaue Mike is just begging to be annoyed, but also because the freedom in D&D gives Rob (the clown) more power. Whatever crazy things Rob is thinking he can act out in the game, making it all the more funny. Who cares if he is ruining the dignity of D&D? It's funny.

Not really that funny

The Phoenix Wrong series was funny because it gave certain phrases whole new meanings by putting them in the mouths of the characters. In this movie, it seems that most of sound clips are only there because they are funny in themselves and do not change when said by one of the characters. Nor does it help illustrate the statemtn by providing a visual image. In reality, you actually contribute very little to the humor in the movie. Most of the work has already been done by the people you are quoting. There are some funny parts, but you must find more clever things for the characters to say.

Age 34, Male



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